Get cashback up to EGP 250,000
Increase your balance in ALEXPLUS & Tawfeer Plus accounts with EGP 500K & its multiples for 3 consecutive months and get cashback up to EGP 250,000 according to the following tiers:
- From EGP 500K - EGP 1M 0.50% cashback
- From EGP 1M - EGP 5M 1.00% cashback
- Above EGP 5M 1.50% cashback
Terms & Conditions:
- Campaign is valid from 1st August 2021 till 31st December 2021
- New and existing Private customers are eligible for this campaign
- Minimum amount is EGP 500K & its multiples to be deposited in ALEXPLUS or Tawfeer Plus for 3 consecutive months
- Increase the average balance of Tawfeer Plus or ALEXPLUS with EGP 500K and it's multiples for 3 months, and this increase must be reflected in customer’s total liabilities balance with the same amount or more within the bank
- Deposits must be fresh funds, not transferred from another account within bank or from another products
- Cashback will be paid on incremental amounts. Customer will not receive more than one cashback reward per each incremental amount
- Cashback amount is calculated on the total increased balance in both accounts (Tawfeer Plus & ALEXPLUS)
- Last day for deposit is 31st December 2021 to be eligible for this campaign
- Maximum cashback amount per customer is EGP 250,000
- Cashback will be added to customers' accounts mid month from November 2021 till April 2022